
Friday, September 14, 2012

Where to Find Gold?

Which Streams contain gold? Generally speaking, streams that are most likely to contain gold must have four characteristics.
1. They should be unregulated (not dammed).

This factor is important because this technique is based on the spring flood churning up the minerals found in the streambed. When this is done during the spring flood, the gold and other dense materials fall to the bottom of certain areas first. This concentrates these valuable minerals which allows prospectors to find them.

2. They should be in a mineral rich area

Mineral Rich Area: A good indication as to whether you are in a mineral rich area is to look at the rocks exposed by the stream erosion and highway cuts used in road construction. Virtually any place that the rocks show a non-sedimentary layering will probably be an excellent place to look. This mineral layering is very infrequently level. Many times the rock layers appear to bend and incline. Quartz is commonly found in parts of the layering along with feldspar or other identifiable minerals. Consult field identification manuals for a more specific description of these minerals. They are common and can be easily identified with a little research.

TIP ---> Another indication of a mineral rich area is the presence of black sand. Placer gold is usually found with black sand but the presence of black sand does not necessarily indicate the presence of gold.

3. They should fall through enough elevation to cause sufficient churning in the spring flood

As discussed earlier, gold is extremely dense. If the stream in which you are looking is slow moving and flat, the dense material will have settled out far upstream. As the meandering stream makes its way, it travels in a lazy, snake-like manner, twisting one way then the next. These rivers will provide you with little success. Rapids and waterfalls and white water are indications of quick elevation drops. The spring flood will churn up everything in the river's expanded boundaries.

4. Stream path and rock formations facilitate the deposition of the dense materials (gold, lead, iron, mercury etc.)

As mentioned before, placer gold settles in specific areas of a streambed called pay streaks. These pay streaks are most often found where the water flow slows down significantly. They may also form along a path, which follows the shortest, straightest path down the streambed at high water. As the Spring flood recedes, the deposits can be left some distance above a low, common summer water level. When looking for a good place to search, imagine what the river would have looked liked during the flood (better yet, go take a look if you can get there).

Most streams do not travel in a straight line for very long either horizontally or vertically. The inside of the bends and where the stream levels out after a steeper run are good places for pay streaks to form.

Another good spot to look can be found on the downstream sides of large boulders and other obstacles. These create an area where the flowing water slows down for just a short time. The highly dense materials can be concentrated here.

Other obstacles include bedrock ridges and large fallen trees. The obstacles can be even more productive if they are in that shortest, straightest path down the streambed. Pay streaks may take several years to form so the best obstacles to investigate are those which appear to have been there for a long time. The best rock formations that help the prospector are those that trap dense materials that are flowing by during the flood. These formations can be best described as exposed bedrock with small, near vertical fissures. Smooth, well-worn bedrock is almost never productive.

Where to look for gold:

Gravel bars usually found on the inside of the river bends - especially newly formed. Although the gold here is mostly small flakes to very fine, there sometimes is a lot of it.

Where streams level out after a steeper part such as downstream of rapids or waterfalls.

Small streaks of gravel laying on the bed rock (but you will need some sort of sucker to retrieve it if it is underwater).

Downstream sides of large boulders and other obstacles which because of size or other factors appear to have been there for a long time.

Pot holes or cracks in the bedrock. ---> TIP: In popular prospecting areas, the large, obvious cracks have most likely been cleaned out many times. Look for lines of moss running along the bedrock. There is almost always a small crack under the moss and these cracks can contain a surprising amount of gold.

...and speaking of moss: Moss and grass roots near the riverbank.

Highbenches. As a stream cuts deeper into a canyon, it can leave patches of gravel high on the canyon wall. These are called benches.

Look for round or rounded rocks well above the present high water level. Round or rounded rocks have lived in a river at some time in their lives. Always keep in mind that these are the most likely places to find gold.

There is an old saying: "Gold is where you find it." What this really means is, you may find a spot that looks perfect and not find any gold at all or you may find a spot that looks like it would be barren but you find a "bonanza." Just try to keep your mind open to all possibilities. 

Friday, August 3, 2012

A Big Paradox Of Gold

There's something I've been thinking about,I called it A Big Paradox of Gold, it's not real but it's quite interesting, if you wondered it's purely fictional, but I think this might interests you, so give it the chance to read it...

First, let's assume that we can travel across time travel and that we can go to the past without creating a new timeline.
If you were to travel into the past intending to stay for any length of time, you would need something that could be used as currency. There are three options. First, you could bring back modern money, which wouldn’t work because no one would accept it. Second, you could bring back archeological coinage from the region and era that you’re traveling to, but outside Roman coinage this creates a supply and demand problem in the modern day. Third, you could bring back a commodity that has been traded as a secondary currency in several ancient societies and civilizations.
So you go for option number three, and you take back gold.

Gold would be the most universal currency for the backwards time traveler. So long as a non-zero number of ancient/pre-modern civilizations are willing to accept it as currency, there will be a non-zero number of backwards time travelers that take it back as a currency.
So let’s track an individual ounce of gold. There’s roughly a 10% chance that an ounce of gold mined in the year 2012 is brought out of the earth in the United States, so that’s where this particular ounce comes from. A time traveler buys that ounce of gold, and heads back in time where he trades it for goods and services in ancient Persia around 425 BCE, leaving the gold behind. The problem arises because that ounce of gold now exist in two places in the year 425 BCE, once in Persia, and once in the ground in the North America where it won’t be mined for another roughly 2500 years. So that gold that you left with the Persians is crafted, melted, and remelted over the course of twenty-five centuries until it eventually becomes part of a Krugerrand in 2012. This bullion is then bought by another backwards time traveler on his way to celebrate the millennium in the Holy Roman Empire (which wasn’t holy, Roman, or an empire). Now in the year 1000 there are three copies of that ounce of gold, one in the ground in North America, one that was in Persia, and one now in modern Germany.
And so on.
This creates a problem, and a paradox. As the number of instances of the same ounce of gold increase in the year 2012, the value of gold drops. Of course, this makes it all the more attractive as a currency for backwards travelers, until the runaway inflation created by these time travelers serves to crash all past commodity markets as well. So the first paradox comes from all commodity markets being destroyed (once gold crashes, we’d move onto silver, copper, diamonds, etc.).
This would also serve to turn most gold into a bootstrap paradox. Gold mining stops in the past for two reasons: 1) there’s less value to the metal and 2) there’s an easier supply of gold coming from those funnily dressed strangers.

There’s also the problem that every time this ounce of gold is taken back and left behind, it increases the overall mass of the earth by one ounce. It’s a little bit of mass at a time, but it adds up under repeated trips.
The gold stacks up until the day that time travel is invented, and then it begins to disappear as it is taken into the past to get caught in these loops. It would recreate the gold market, and put the earth on a diet as all the extra mass is lost. Assuming our gravity wasn’t so affected that the moon crashed into the earth or we went careening out of our orbit.
Potential solution to the hyper-inflationary problems: going back with consumable goods. Especially modern produce. Strawberries, pomegranates, modern bananas, kiwifruit. You’d still have the issues that the matter within those fruits existed in some form in the past, so there’s still the problem of increasing the mass of the earth, but at least the commodity markets would be largely unaffected both in the past and the present.

Well this is something that came to my mind, so what do you guys think??? I hope you enjoy it, that's all for today, see u soon...

Friday, July 27, 2012

Gold in past years

There's an amazing story about how people used to find gold in early years, their tricks techniques, feel curious about it???

Miners during the early Gold Rush years wanted only one thing: gold. Greedy and in a hurry, they made do with simple yet effective tools.The gold panner patiently crouching alongside a river is symbolic of the Gold Rush, and yet gold pans were probably the most ineffective of all the miner’s tools, even though that is what most miners used early on. As word leaked out in 1848 about gold in the Sierra Nevada foothills, early-day entrepreneur Sam Brannan cornered the California market on pans, picks and shovels. Without lifting a finger to do any gold mining of his own, he became California’s first millionaire by catering to the needs of the miners. Miners who couldn’t find pans made do with kitchen bowls or whatever they could find.

Although gold pans were much in evidence during the early days of the Gold Rush, miners used them less and less as time went on and they created better gold extraction devices. Even today, however, some gold seekers will use the light and simple pans for prospecting, systematically sampling gravels as they work up a stream, for example, and knowing that when the gold “color” stops, a vein or two of gold feeding into the stream may be close at hand. Fortunately for the miners, gold has an unusual quality: it is heavy, and thus all early-day mining processes take advantage of this property. Another popular tool was the rocker or cradle, and indeed, this tool did vaguely resemble a child’s cradle. Using a handle on the rocker to push it back and forth, the miner dumped gravel into the top part and finer and heavier particles dropped through a screen, helped along by buckets of water. The bottom part of the device had slats, or riffles, that caught the heavier metals. After many shovel loads of gravel were pushed through the rocker, the miner would then use his gold pan to sort out the heavy minerals and, with luck, find gold.

The long tom was similar in theory to the rocker but was much more elaborate. A paddlewheel ensured a constant source of water. Again gravel was shoveled into the top end and the water pushed it along a long wooden course, sometimes hundreds of feet long. Again, the slats collected the heavier ore, which was then further processed. For these early techniques, water was an essential part of the process. However, since gold was not always found next to streams, miners often had to get the water to where the gold was, and thus elaborate networks of mining ditches were built throughout the gold country; remnants of these ditches can be found even today, and now some are used for agriculture. Miners from Sonoran Mexico had a technique for pulverizing gold ore that required no water for the initial stages of gold processing. Called the arrastre, this system consisted of an upright axle with large spokes. Horses or mules, hooked to the outside edges of the spokes, pulled them around and around. Tied to the interior of the spokes were chunks of gold bearing quartz, which were dragged over a rocky surface and hence pulverized. After the rock was pulverized, the miners then used gold pans for final processing.

As time went on, gold mining became increasingly more sophisticated. The solitary gold miner of the 1840s gave way to hundreds of miners toiling in deep hard rock mines, such as those found in Jackson and Grass Valley. In other areas, such as Malakoff Diggins, huge hydraulic hoses washed away entire mountainsides in the search for gold. In the flatlands, massive dredgers processed gravels from ancient riverbeds; evidence of this kind of mining can still be found, for example, in and around Folsom, where miles of dredger rockpiles still exist. Ore crushing went well beyond the simple arrastre with the proliferation of stamp mills large and small. The din of these machines could be overwhelming as they pounded quartz into fine rubble. One of the last working stamp mills is demonstrated annually at Founders’ Day in Georgetown, California.

Although a few working mines still exist, little gold mining takes place today in California. On the rivers where this kind of activity is permitted, divers using portable dredges make a hobby of sucking out gold from river-bottom crevices. These days, no one is going to get rich gold panning. The easy gold is long gone. But it’s still fun to slosh a few pans of gravel to see if any color is there. This is incredible, almost nobody uses this techniques nowadays, but is really cool to know more about Mine History and its origins, how people used to Find Gold in the past years... 

It's hard for me to say this but, this is all for today, see you soon with another update guys... Have a nice weekend everyone, and don't forget to leave a comment,talk you later!

Friday, July 20, 2012

The Glorious Story of Gold

The story of gold is as rich and complex as the metal itself.
Wars have been fought for it; love has been declared with it. Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs portray gold as the brilliance of the sun; modern astronomers use mirrors coated with gold to capture images of the heavens.
By 325 BC the Greeks had mined for gold from Gibraltar to Asia Minor. In 1848 AD James Marshall found flakes of gold whilst building a sawmill near Sacramento and so triggered the gold rush in California.
Held securely in national vaults as a reserve asset, gold has an irrefutable logic; released from the tombs of pharaohs and emperors alike, gold has an undeniable magic.

 That's true GOLD has certain magic, and such special shining... Do you agree with me???

What do you guys think about this??? Do you have any stories to share??? Leave your comments below... See you later...

Thursday, July 19, 2012



Hi everyone, my name is Sandra, and I opened my own blog cause I want to talk about one of my biggest passions... How to Find Gold? You will find a lot of info about this, and also many funny stuff about gold, but the important thing are you guys, so comment, share an tell us what do you think about GOLD... 


aventure-gold-trader's videos on Dailymotion